Teaching with PingoLearn: My Experience

3 min readMar 13, 2021

(Article by Srishti Ray)

PingoLearn (www.pingolearn.com) is an online platform where anyone can practice and improve spoken English through activity-oriented live online classes. I have been teaching at PingoLearn for two months now, and my experience here has been no less than extraordinary.

1-on-6 session on www.pingolearn.com

I have been assigned two lectures a day, and that might sound taxing considering I am still in Law School, but it isn’t. I help improve a student’s grammar and conversational skills, and that means, most of the material that is provided to me to teach is ideal for engaging classroom activities. The cultural diversity in here, amuses me at times. I have students from the North of the country to the South, and when we all come together and have conversations for hours, magic happens, quite literally.

Most of the students here are job aspirants and are absolutely amazing in their particular field of work. But they lack conversational skills, and that is exactly where I guide them. The materials are made to hone such skills, for example, Debate classes to keep in check your argumentative capacity, Vocabulary classes to keep in check that we are learning and using new words every now and then, but my personal favorite are the story reading sessions, where we pick up some short stories by renowned authors, read them in class, and discuss in bits and pieces what the author might’ve tried to portray.

I have found myself having this unexplained connection with my batch. Its like we’re part of a team. And a team makes sure no player is left behind through the process. The entire learning process doesn’t even feel like a one-sided lecture, when there are so many amazing stories that they bring to the table. The students also have some extra practice sessions, with each other, with no teacher to supervise, where they pick up a random topic and discuss, correct each other through the process, like I said, as a team.

I believe the conversation based teaching method, is way more effective than just having lectures on grammar, where one makes pages and pages of notes and leaves. Here we talk, and as they say, practice makes perfect, there’s no better practice than conversations daily with a bunch of people. Needless to say, I absolutely recommend this method.

To conclude, I think working at PingoLearn is one of the best decisions I have made for myself. And if you’re looking forward to grow with us, not just with your language skills, but also as a part of the team, PingoLearn is the place!

Srishti Ray is a third year Law undergraduate. She loves to read and have long conversations about the meaning behind mortal existence. She also likes writing about current legal debates and almost anything that’s thrown at her.




English speaking sessions on live video calls